Monday, November 19, 2012

For I know the plans I have for you...

This is one of my favorite scriptures and it sums up everything I'm feeling last day of being 39, and my last day in the decade of my 30's.  A whole new decade of possibilities is in front of me!  Tonight, Sydney and I went on a girl date, to dinner and Starbuck's.  She asked me if I'm sad about turning 40.  Up until now, I have have been excited about turning 40.  Now that the time is drawing near, I can't help but feel a little sad.  Maybe it's sadness and fear that I'm moving one step closer to "getting old"! Ha!

Up and on...I'm ready to embrace 40, I'm ready to learn new things and have new experiences.  I'm ready to meet new people.  I'm ready to move away from my baby years.  I'm ready to finally feel a little more free now that my "babies" have gained their independence.  It's time for ME time again!!!  

My FORTIES will bring me elementary school, junior high, high school, braces, teenagers, driving, college, a 25th wedding anniversary to my love, lots of sports and cheer, and homework, life lessons, and coffee!!

My THIRTIES brought me a wonderful career at HP, then the opportunity to leave it all behind to be a stay at home mommy.  Being able to watch my babies grow is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received!  It has been trying at times, but would never change it!  My thirties brought me our first house and two more babies, and a family of five that is now complete!  They brought me struggles with relationships, they brought me cancer of my mother-in-law and then her death, they brought me the true meaning of sacrifice.  They brought me the realization of what is truly important in my life.

The 30's brought out my creativity and expression and gave me the motivation to start my own little business.  They brought me my love for photography.  They brought our whole big family together as we celebrated Grandma Jeanne's 90's birthday.  They brought dreams that came true.  They brought me exhaustion that I have never known before having three kids and all kinds of sports and activities.  They have brought me gray hairs, and wrinkles on my forehead, LOL!

The most exciting part of my thirties was the true relationship I began with Jesus Christ.  He has given me strength when I needed it most.  I learned He was faithful in hearing my prayers.  He has given me relationships with wonderful people that otherwise I would have never known.  He knows my plan and I trust Him completely!  When He quietly speaks to my heart, I listen to Him!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

I can honestly say, that I wouldn't go back for a re-do!  I'm completely happy in my own skin and not so much worried about what anyone thinks of me anymore.  It feels good to have the confidence that I didn't have ten years ago!

Tonight I go to sleep being 39 and thankful for all the wisdom and knowledge I have gained.  I will turn the chapter and hold all the wonderful memories tight that these years have brought me.  Tomorrow, I will wake up beginning a new book!  I can't wait to see what lies ahead!!

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

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