Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall Teaser!

I went out to water my backyard yesterday morning expecting the hot stickiness to fly right in my face. What a surprise, there was actually a tiny little breeze and lower humidity. It was actually kind of dry outside. Tim was off doing a baseball lesson, Brody had just fallen asleep, Blake was still sleeping and Syd was watching tv. I decided to make some coffee (leftover from last Christmas since I'm not a regular coffee drinker) and go sit outside on the patio.

It was nice to not hear the hum of air conditioners for just a few minutes. The sky was blue and it was nice to sit there and think. I stared at my horrible mess of a garden and took advantage of naptime and got to work. Having a baby and the hot Texas heat have kept me from doing any sort of gardening this summer. I pulled weeds, cleaned out flower pots, pruned roses, pulled grass growing up from the neighbor's fence behind us and hoped that I wouldn't get any spider bites! I love gardening, but that's one thing I can't stand in my garden is spiders. I always think of the movie Arachnophobia.

Naptime came to an end, so I decided to bring the kids outside to eat their cereal (and no, I don't normally buy this kind of cereal, they got to pick out a sugared cereal for back to school)! It was too nice to stay inside. I brought Brody's high chair out too and he sat with the kids. He loooooves being outside. So while they ate, I finished cleaning out my flower bed and I'm waiting for that perfect fall day to get started on making my garden look pretty again! Thank goodness for raspberry crepe myrtles and lime green potato vine! They kept my garden colorful this summer and I didn't have to do a thing to them!

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