Monday, January 25, 2010

What a week!

What a week in the Fortunato household!!  Last week, we were all sick with the stomach flu.  It was a four-day weekend since the kids were out of school.  I thought we would get to enjoy all our family time together and go somewhere fun but it didn't work out that way.  Sydney kicked it all off for us and she stayed home from school for two days.  There's nothing like cleaning up (sorry) re-gurgitated spaghetti mixed with Sonic's blue coconut slushie turned green at 1am especially for Tim when he was supposed to up at 4:30 for his 5AM boot camp class.

Blake finally decided to go play over at Noah's for the first time in awhile and 30 minutes later, Toni calls and says that Blake was throwing up.  Then Tim got sick during church on Sunday and I caught it Monday night.  It was the worst!!  Thank goodness we are all well now and am thankful that little Brody stayed well!!

Luckily the weather is so gorgeous and in the 70's with my favorite blue skies.  The windows and back door are wide open, bring on the fresh air and the Lysol too!!!

Here's what last Tuesday night was like:

1am - Sydney gets sick, we clean up and "try" to go back to sleep
1:45 Another round with Sydney
2:15 Brody starts the itchy throat coughing for 30 minutes, give Benadryl
3:00 Sydney again
3:50 Brody cries for a bottle
4:15 Alarm clock goes off for Tim to wake up for boot camp
4:16 Cell phone alarm clock goes off as a backup
7:20 This momma couldn't climb out of bed to get Blake ready for school, thanks Tim!!!
Maybe one day, we'll get some sleep!

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